
UniversalWebServer is a simple web server that can be easy integrated in your Universal Windows Apps. It’s available for all architecture so it’s possible use it on Desktop, Windows Phone, IoT device and XBOX.

With few line of code is possible insert a web interface to your app so the use can manage it via browser. it’s very funny for some apps if the use can download the file via browser or made some operation on big screen without type on little smartphone keyboard.

In Iot scenarios it’s a great soluzion for create an easy solution for manage, configure and monitor your device without a physical screen and without needed to create a custom client.


The library is compatible with

  • Windows 8.1 RT App (Desktop and Phone)
  • UWP Windows 10 Universal App (Desktop, Phone, IoT, XBox ecc)


Windows RT App have some limitation due to Network isolation. So can be problem to access server from the same machine.

More info here in Using sockets and WebSockets with network isolation paragraph

A solution is call webserver from another machine or run app in an emulator


This library is available for only 30€ with one year of direct support.

Trial version is available with an annoing alert on each request but is’t usefull to test the library

You can order the fully licensed version of UniversalWebServer at any time over the internet via paypal. After you purchased a license, you’ll receive your license file in 24h.

Please put this license file into the Assets folder of your project and be sure have Build Action set to Content in propertiesif you need to link the license to another email than the one who made the payment on paypal you must explicitly specify in the details of payment


  • first public version


  • Create an html folder in your project
  • Copy your html files in this folder
  • Be sure the file have Build Action set to Content in properties for each file


  • Import this library from nuget
  • Insert these simple 4 lines
// declare connection port
const int port = 8001;
// create new server instance
HttpServer server = new HttpServer(port);
// remove login function
server.removeLogin = true;
// init server
await server.init();
  • Launch your app!

You can do more powerfull things and have control to create dynamic page and virtual page with this library, try the example you find in download section


we are working for make available on Nuget

A Demo project of UniversaWebServer is available on github https://github.com/a-iafrate/Test_UniversalWebServer

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