Bloggy – WordPress tutorial en

In this tutorial we will see step by step how to set up Bloggy to access your site WordPress

Prerequisite to be able to use the program is the installation of the plugin Jetpack on your blog and subsequent association to your account

Once this is done we can proceed to the association of our blog on Bloggy

Select WordPress blog


Now you must login with your account


select the blog to which you want to access (if you have more than one )


If your blog does not have installed the plugin jetpack you will receive the following error message


at this point if the blog is hosted on wordpress you will have direct access to its posts and comments, but if your blog is hosted on a custom server there will be a last login to do with the data of access to their blogs to allow access


Now you are ready to handle your blog on windows phone, if you have problems leave a comment on this page


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